The HYO Training System…

… is a semi personalised training system which was designed to cater towards those who may not have the budget to go with the full personal coaching experience or may not want to take their training too seriously but still would like a program to follow which they can track and helps with continual progression so they are getting the most out of the time they are putting in the gym, as well as a guide and tools as to how to approach their own nutrition and cater it towards personal goals.

 The goal is to educate and empower you with the right information to make lifelong changes and not just give you a quick fix. As the saying goes, “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. However, if at the end of all this you end up simply wanting the peace of mind or accountability of having one of our world renowned team of coaches at Hold Your Own develop a custom macro plan or training program specifically designed for you, then please reach out via our contact form on our website.

How the system works

Each month a new program will be uploaded for you regardless of if you have completed the program or not. If you have completed less than 50% of the program you are on, the same program will be uploaded for you and you will start from day 1 again. If you have completed more than 50% of the program, the next phase of programming will be uploaded.

 The program itself is set in the way where it is structured with exercises, sets, reps that are pre-determined. However if there is an exercise that you either don’t have access to, or you can’t do for any particular reason, you do have the option of adjusting those exercise.

When you sign up you will receive a free ebook which will have more in-depth information with how the system works, how to train to get the most out of your time in the gym, nutritional advice and how to create the macros catered to you and your goals.

Pricing and Info

Price: $79 per month on direct debit (launch price!)

Duration: 4 weeks


  • Monthly program updates

  • Ebook with training and nutritional advice

  • Monthly macro adjustments for an additional $40

  • Private Facebook group access